


  1. Wahju RI, Fachri FR, Kamal MM, Lin YJ, Mustofa A, Saputra TA, Sutendi E, Yoshida M, Uematsu S, Kaifu K (In Press) Participatory stock assessment in West Java contributes to the management of glass eel fisheries in Indonesia. Marine Policy
  2. Shiraishi H, Kaifu K (2024) Early warning of an upsurge in international trade in the American Eel. Marine Policy
  3. Wakiya R, Itakura H, Hirae T, Igari T, Manabe M, Matsuya N, Miyata K, Sakata MK, Minamoto T, Yada T, Kaifu K (2022) Slower growth of farmed eels stocked into rivers with higher wild eel density. Journal of Fish Biology, 101, 613-627
  4. Wakiya R, Itakura H, Imayoshi Y, Kaifu K (2022) Agonistic behaviour of wild eels and depressed survival and growth of farmed eels in mixed rearing experiments. Journal of Fish Biology, 100, 1365-1374
  5. Kaifu K, Yokouchi K, Miller MJ, Washitani I (2021) Management of glass eel fisheries is not a sufficient measure to recover a local Japanese eel population. Marine Policy, 134, 104806
  6. Yokouchi K, Itakura H, Wakiya R, Yoshinaga T, Mochioka N, Kimura S, Kaifu K (2021) Cumulative effects of low-head weirs on distributions of catadromous freshwater eels in five rivers in Japan. Animal Conservation, 25, 137-149 Top Cited Article 2022-2023
  7. Righton D, Piper A, Aarestrup K, Amilhat E, Belpaire C, Casselman J, Castonguay M, Diaz E, Doerner H, Faliex B, Feunteun E, Fukuda N, Hanel R, Hanzen C, Jellyman D, Kaifu K, McCarthy K, Miller M, Pratt T, Sasal P, Schabetsberger R, Shiraishi H, Simon G, Sjoberg N, Steele K, Tsukamoto K, Walker A, Westerberg H, Yokouchi K, Gollock M (2021) Important questions to progress science and sustainable management of Anguillid eels. Fish and Fisheries
  8. Itakura H, Wakiya R, Gollock M, Kaifu K (2020) Anguillid eels as a surrogate species for conservation of freshwater biodiversity in Japan. Scientific Reports, 10, 1-12
  9. Yada T, Abe M, Kaifu K, Yokouchi K, Fukuda N, Kodama S, Hakoyama H, Ogoshi M, Kaiya H, Sakamoto T, Moriyama S, Tsukamoto K (2020) Ghrelin and food acquisition in wild and cultured Japanese eel (Anguilla japonica). Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part A, 110700
  10. Wakiya R, Kaifu K, Azechi K, Tsukamoto K, Mochioka N (2020) Evaluation of downward movements of Japanese eels Anguilla japonica inhabiting brackish water areas. Journal of Fish Biology, 96, 516-526
  11. Kaifu K (2019) Challenges in assessments of Japanese eel stock. Marine Policy, 102, 1-4
  12. 海部健三,竹野遼馬,高木淳一,市川光太郎,脇谷量子郎,板倉光,平江多績,猪狩忠光,三田村啓理,荒井修亮(2019)「超音波テレメトリーを用いた,人工池における石の間隙がニホンウナギの隠れ場所として果たす機能の把握」応用生態工学, 22, 73-82
  13. 海部健三,竹野遼馬,三田村啓理,高木淳一,市川光太郎,脇谷量子郎,板倉光,石井潤,荒井修亮(2019)「超音波テレメトリーを用いた,汽水湖におけるニホンウナギの生息場所利用の把握」応用生態工学, 22, 83-92
  14. Wakiya R, Itakura H, Kaifu K (2019) Age, growth, and sex ratios of Anguilla marmoratain freshwater habitats near their northern geographic limit. Zoological Studiess, 58, e34
  15. Kaifu K, Yokouchi K (2019) Increasing or decreasing? – current status of the Japanese eel stock. Fisheries Research, 220
  16. Arai K, Itakura H, Yoneta A, Kaifu K, Shirai K, Miyake Y, Kimura S (2019) Application of the discrimination model based on otolith oxygen and carbon stable isotopes: A basin-scale investigation of naturally recruiting Japanese eels in the Tone River watershed, Japan. Environmental Biology of Fishes102, 1405-1420
  17. 米田彬史, 板倉光, 荒井考磨, 海部健三, 吉永龍起, 三宅陽一, 木村伸吾(2019)「耳石安定同位体比分析と文献調査に基づく日本におけるニホンウナギの自然分布域」日本水産学会誌, 85, 150-161
  18. Itakura H, Wakiya R, Yamamoto S, Kaifu K, Sato T, Minamoto T (2019) Environmental DNA analysis reveals the abundance and biomass of the Japanese eel (Anguilla japonica) in rivers. Aquatic Conservation Marine and Freshwater Ecosystem, 29, 361-373
  19. Itakura H, Arai K, Kaifu K, Shirai K, Yoneta A, Miyake Y, Secor DH, Kimura S (2018) Distribution of wild and stocked Japanese eels in the Tone River watershed revealed by otolith stable isotopic ratios. Journal of Fish Biology, 93, 805-813
  20. Kaifu K, Yokouchi K, Higuchi T, Itakura H, Shirai K (2018) Depletion of naturally recruited wild Japanese eels in Okayama, Japan, revealed by otolith stable isotope ratios and abundance indices. Fisheries Science, 84, 757-763
  21. Kaifu K, Itakura H, Amano Y, Shirai K, Yokouchi K, Wakiya R, Murakami-Sugihara N, Washitani I, Yada T (2018) Discrimination of wild and cultured Japanese eels based on otolith stable isotope ratios. ICES Journal of Marine Science, 75, 719-726
  22. Arai K, Itakura H, Yoneta A, Yoshinaga T, Shirotori F, Kaifu K, Kimura S (2017) Discovering the dominance of the non-native European eel in the upper reaches of the Tone River system, Japan. Fisheries Science, 83, 735-742
  23. Wakiya R, Kaifu K, Mochioka N (2016) Growth conditions after recruitment determine residence-emigration tactics of female Japanese eels, Anguilla japonicaFisheries Science, 82, 729-736
  24. Jacoby DMP, Casselman JM, Crook V, DeLucia MB, Hyojin Ahn H, Kaifu K, Kurwie T, Sasal P, Silfvergrip AMC, Smith KG, Uchida K, Walker AM and Gollock MJ (2015) Synergistic patterns of threat and patchy data challenge the global conservation of anguillid eels. Global Ecology and Conservation 4, 321-333
  25. Terui A, Miyazaki Y, Yoshioka A, Kaifu K, Matsuzaki S, Washitani I (2014) Asymmetric dispersal structures a riverine metapopulation of the freshwater pearl mussel Margaritifera laevis. Ecology and Evolution 4, 3004-3014
  26. Yokouchi K, Kaneko Y, Kaifu K, Aoyama J, Uchida K, Tsukamoto K (2014) Demographic survey of the yellow-phase Japanese eel Anguilla japonica in Japan. Fisheries Science 80, 543-554  平成26年度日本水産学会論文賞
  27. Kaifu K, Maeda H, Yokouchi K, Sudo R, Miller MJ, Aoyama J, Yoshida T, Tsukamoto Kand Washitani I (2014) Do Japanese eels recruit into the Japan Sea coast?: a case study in the Hayase River system, Fukui Japan. Environmental Biology of Fishes 97, 921-928
  28. Kaifu K, Miller MJ, Aoyama J, Washitani I, Tsukamoto K (2013) Evidence of niche segregation between freshwater eels and conger eels in Kojima Bay, Japan. Fisheries Science 79, 593-603
  29. 宮崎佑介・照井 慧・吉岡明良・海部健三・鷲谷いづみ(2013)「朱太川水系氾濫原の小規模な一時的水域の魚類相:種多様性の要因と保全・再生への示唆」保全生態学研究 18, 55-68
  30. Kaifu K, Yokouchi K, Aoyama J, Tsukamoto K (2013) Head shape polymorphism in Japanese eels Anguilla japonica in relation to differences of somatic growth in freshwater and brackish habitats. Journal of Fish Biology 82, 1308-1320
  31. Kaifu K, Miyazaki S, Aoyama J, Kimura S, Tsukamoto K (2013) Diet of Japanese eels Anguilla japonica in the Kojima Bay-Asahi River system, Japan. Environmental Biology of Fishes 96, 439-446
  32. Kaifu K, Miller MJ, Yada T, Aoyama J, Washitani I, Tsukamoto K (2013) Growth differences of Japanese eels Anguilla japonica between fresh and brackish water habitats in relation to annual food consumption in the Kojima Bay-Asahi River system, Japan. Ecology of Freshwater Fish, 22, 127-136
  33. 小島秀彰・海部健三・横内一樹・須藤竜介・吉田丈人・塚本勝巳・鷲谷いづみ (2012)「福井県三方五湖−早瀬川水系におけるニホンウナギAnguilla japonica生息状況の歴史的変遷について」動物考古学, 29, 1-17
  34. Kaifu K, Akamatsu T, Segawa S (2011) Preliminary evaluation of underwater sound detection by the cephalopod statocyst using a forced oscillation model. Acoustical Science and Technology, 32, 255-260
  35. Kaifu K, Tamura M, Aoyama J, Tsukamoto K (2010) Dispersal of yellow phase Japanese eels Anguilla japonica after recruitment in the Kojima Bay-Asahi River system, Japan. Environmental Biology of Fishes, 88, 273-282
  36. Yokouchi K, Sudo R, Kaifu K, Aoyama J, Tsukamoto K (2009) Biological characteristics of silver-phaseJapanese eels, Anguilla japonica, collectedfrom Hamana Lake, Japan. Coastal Marine Science, 33, 54-63
  37. Kaifu K, Akamatsu T, Segawa S (2008) Underwater sound detection by cephalopod statocyst. Fisheries Science, 74, 781-786 平成20年度日本水産学会論文賞
  38. Kaifu K, Segawa S, Tsuchiya K (2007) Behavioral responses to underwater sound in the small benthic octopus Octopus ocellatusThe Journal of Marin Acoustical Society of Japan, 34, 266-273


  1. 白石広美, 海部健三(印刷中)「ニホンウナギの保全と持続的利用のための今後の課題 〜ウナギ属魚類の放流に関するレビュー〜」日本水産学会誌
  2. Froehicher H, Kaifu K, Rambonilaza T, Daverat F (2023) Eel translocation from a conservation perspective: a coupled systematic and narrative review. Global Ecology and Conservation 46, e02635
  3. Solé M, Kaifu K, Mooney TA, Nedelec SL, Olivier F, Radford A, Vazzana M, Wale M, Semmens JM, Simpson SD, Buscaino G, Hawkins A, Aguilar De Soto N, Akamatsu T, Chauvaud L, Day RD, Fitzgibbon Q, McCauley R, André M (2023) Marine Invertebrates and Noise. Frontiers in Marine Science 10, 185
  4. 海部健三,脇谷量子郎(2019)「ニホンウナギの成育場環境の保全と回復:石倉カゴの課題について」応用生態工学, 22, 109-115
  5. 海部健三, 水産庁, 環境省自然環境局野生生物課, 望岡典隆, パルシステム生活協同組合連合会, 山岡未季, 黒田啓行, 吉田丈人(2018)「日本におけるニホンウナギの保全と持続的利用に向けた取り組みの現状と今後の課題」生態学会誌,  68, 43-57


  1. Kaifu K, Stein F, Dekker W, Walker N, Dolloff AC, Steele K, Aguirre AA, Nijman V, Siriwat P,Sasal P (2019) Global exploitation of freshwater eels (genus Anguilla). In Coulson P & Don A (Eds) Eel Biology, Monitoring, Management, Culture and Exploitation: Proceedings of the First International Eel Science Symposium(pp. 376-422). 5M Publishing, Sheffield
  2. André M, Kaifu K, Solé M, van der Schaar M, Akamatsu T, Balastegui A, Sánchez AM, Castell JV (2016) Contribution to the Understanding of Particle Motion Perception in Marine Invertebrates. In Popper AN & Hawkins A (Eds) The Effects of Noise on Aquatic Life II(pp. 47-55). Springer, New York, NY


  1. 海部健三(2019)「結局、ウナギは食べていいのか問題」岩波書店
  2. 海部健三(2016)「ウナギの保全生態学」共立出版
  3. 海部健三(2015)「東アジアのつながり −ニホンウナギの保全と持続的利用」宮下直・西廣淳 編「保全生態学の挑戦」pp. 3-21. 東京大学出版会
  4. 海部健三(2013)「IUCNウナギレッドリスト会議報告」東アジア鰻資源協議会編「うな丼の未来」pp. 71-84. 青土社
  5. 海部健三(2013)「わたしのウナギ研究」さ・え・ら書房
  6. 海部健三(2012)「汽水域に生息するウナギと人」黒木真理編「ウナギの博物誌」第四章 pp. 95-114. 化学同人